Home > Politics > Will GOP Back out of CNN YouTube Debate?

Will GOP Back out of CNN YouTube Debate?

Interesting to see this.

I watched some of the CNN YouTube Debate and I thought it was just alright and thought that CNN advertised it way too much. I seem to always have CNN on the TV if for anything for background noise when I am in the need of some.

That being said, the questions and segments were repeated ad nauseum to the point where it was getting a little silly.

However, at the same time what the YouTube debate did provide was bring some color to the questions rather than just a standard debate. Elections have gotten to the point where the best candidate does not win but the best advertising campaign wins. I think that the YouTube debate mixed things up a little bit whereby CNN picked and chose the types of questions that might be good for television.

While CNN is obviously the most left of the cable news stations, they are not the voice of liberals, at least according to Michael Moore who has gone on rants about CNN and his new movie ‘Sicko’. And one of the faces of the station ‘Lou Dobbs’, I could hardly consider to be a liberal, Larry King is in La La land, Wolf Blitzer seems to be more neutral which pits Anderson Cooper as the most liberal, however, I find him to be more compassionate rather than trying to promote a liberal cause. This is not Bill O’Reilley or Sean Hannity we are talking about.

It is true that there is a divide in American politics. As the news organizations and programs take their sides, and candidates can take advantage of that now.

It would be a shame of the GOP backed out of it.

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