Music Notes
* Come celebrate Radioheads release by going out and buying yourself a bucket of KFC and start rubbing those chicken pieces all over your body. Radiohead’s newest album In Rainbows is a Rock Opera about a Leprachaun named Seamus that is black. its going to be a hit. (Or as Derek pointed out “A Tragic Mulatto”).
* I wish I could write reviews of albums after the first 30 seconds of listening to the opening track. It would make music writing more awesome. Right now I am listening to the new Sunset Rubdown album, and I write that like I have been listening to Sunset Rubdown for years. The great thing about the internet is that you can pretend to be someone you aren’t. Since I have only listened to less than a couple minutes so far I really do not know if I can give it a positive or negative review just yet.
* However, the new PJ Harvey album White Chalk. This is a very “Somber”, melodic album than some of her previous works but at the same time, it reminds me of PJ doing Sufjan Stevens.
* This is actually pretty cool. The Japancakes are 1) Coming out with another album and 2) Covering My Bloody Valentine’s ‘Loveless’.