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Day 26 – Please Do Not Take My Picture

The continuing adventures of “Eric’s Trip Around the Sun”. One final trip with the iPod.


As I mentioned to you in a previous blog post, the songs being displayed here are on tape delay. I am several days ahead of this. It just so happens that day 26 was a light load when it comes to the number of songs being played.

So I decided to pull a song from the previous day’s setlist, one that I thought would be poignant for October 1, 2015.

Today there was an unfortunate event at Umpqua Community College which left, from last account 10 people dead and 7 injured.

Here we have another unfortunate event where everyone is going to be pointing fingers at the other side in knowing what is right and how to solve this. The worst part is nothing ever does happen, nothing is ever solved, there is no room for compromise, no room for movement ever.

Like many red blooded Americans, it was days like this that I would turn to cable TV news to follow a story like this for hours, watching the same clips over and over again. Then you would move onto the pundits who would say outrageous things because that is what you get paid to do. You are not paid to be “Normal”.

There became a point where my wife and I said fuck it all. We took the Dish and took it out in the alley and beat it up to bits. There was a point where I felt that watching that crap was not making me better informed, happier or better person. It had to go.

It’s tragic events that take advantage of the victims. Pornography, for the most part is consensual, whether you agree with it or not. This isn’t.

I felt that R.E.M.’s song “Bad Day”, the prequel to “It’s the End of the World As We Know It” only to be shelved and reintroduced later in their careers the perfect snapshot to describe my mood for today.

There is not much to say otherwise.

• Wire – Bad Worn Thing
• Janis Jopin – Ball and Chain

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